We understand that some students may face unexpected financial challenges or emergencies that affect their ability to continue their education. When funding is available, we strive to provide flexible and appropriate financial assistance in a timely manner for students’ continuous pursuit of academic success in school.
To request financial support, please follow these steps:
To be eligible for financial support, you must meet the following criteria:
In addition, the following criteria apply to specific types of support:
Please note that there are some additional restrictions and limitations on financial support:
If you have any questions about financial support or the request process, please contact the student care coordinator at dku-ocm@dukekunshan.edu.cn. We are here to help you succeed in your academic journey.
For Chinese students, please contact: china-finaid@dukekunshan.edu.cn.
For international students, please contact: international-finaid@dukekunshan.edu.cn.