Welcome to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)​

CAWS provides face-to-face counseling service to students on campus.

CAWS is committed to creating an environment that is educationally inspiring, physically and psychologically safe, and accessible and accepting of all gender expressions and identities, of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, faith communities and sexual orientations. CAWS aims to provide excellent assistance to the distressed and injured, aid in eradicating those situations and conditions that result in psychological problems, and will promote and nurture positive mental health and happiness on the Duke Kunshan campus.

  • Working Hours: 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:30 (Monday-Friday)
  • Phone: +86-0512-3665-7829
  • Email: caws@dukekunshan.edu.cn
  • After-hour Hotline (DKU Emergency Hotline): +86-0512-3665-7110

Free Counseling Hotline for Students of Universities in Jiangsu Province (in Chinese)​

Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education (JED) has authorized the Research Center of Crisis Prevention and Intervention for Jiangsu Province University Students to develop and operate a free counseling hotline for all the students enrolled in the universities in Jiangsu Province.

  • Hotline: 025-5825-5200 (24-hour counseling services during academic year)