I am a chef. Yes, a chef without a white hat, but that’s not a big issue. I begin by slicing a rustic loaf, letting fresh crimson tomatoes cascade onto it, followed by thinly sliced turkey. Then, I layer in a combination of condiments, with the zest of mustard and the creaminess of mayo, blending perfectly. The final touch—a second slice of bread—completes the masterpiece: a sandwich. Yet, the sandwich is just the tip of the iceberg. What I love about cooking is the ability to combine any ingredients, no matter their origin, to create something delicious. Take, for example, Spicy Stir-Fried Lamb with Noodles and Tamarind Sauce, a fusion of Chinese, Central Asian, and Indian flavors. With the first bite, you’ll experience the deep richness of Central Asia, along with the loud and heartful “Shashmaqom” melodies of its people. Take a closer breath, and you’ll feel the warmth of Chinese kindness in the fragrant ginger and garlic. Cooking has taught me that the key to a masterpiece is the mixture of ingredients. I believe the same holds true for people. DKU brings together students from diverse backgrounds. However, often these student decide to engage more with their compatriots and build an invisible and hard to go through wall between them and other international students. This division prevents us from becoming true global citizens. By joining the Student Leaders Board, I want to bring together already created vibrant community, where different “ingredients” come together to form a flavorful, harmonious whole—just like a perfect Spicy Stir-Fried Lamb with Noodles and Tamarind Sauce.